site.btaDrug Cases Increase in October 2024, Says Prosecution Service

Drug Cases Increase in October 2024, Says Prosecution Service
Drug Cases Increase in October 2024, Says Prosecution Service
BTA Photo/Blagoy Kirilov

Pre-trial proceedings for drug-related crimes are increasing, according to October data from the specialized interagency unit of the prosecution service and Interior Ministry, said the prosecuting magistracy. Cases for October were 584, up from 505 the previous month.

Authorities uncovered a total of 18 laboratories/areas for the production and cultivation of narcotic substances.

Some 370 court decisions  have been entered into force for the production, processing, acquisition, possession and distribution of narcotic substances. A total of 1,111 persons were detained.

October saw an increase of nearly 37% in the number of specialized operations against illegal migration. They were 626 such operation in October 1-31 and 458 the previous month. In October, 133 people were detained. A total of 220 court decisions related to human trafficking were enforced. 




By 12:47 on 05.02.2025 Today`s news

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