site.btaThe Weather on November 27
November 27: Mostly sunny. Wind west-northwesterly, light to moderate. Lows: minus 3 C to plus 2 C, in Sofia minus 1 C. Highs: 10 C to 15 C, in Sofia 10 C.
The coast: Mostly sunny. Low visibility conditions in isolated areas in the morning. Wind north-northwesterly, light to moderate. Highs: 8 C to 10 C. Sea water temperatures: 12 C to 13 C. Sea waves: 1 to 2 degrees Douglas.
The mountains: Mostly sunny, with thick cloud along the top of the Balkan Range during most of the day. Wind north-northwesterly, light to moderate. Highs: 6 C at 1,200 metres above sea level, 1 C at 2,000 metres.
Source: National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology