site.btaPM Borissov in Prague: V4 Summit Speeds Up Finding of Common Solution to Migrant Problem
PM Borissov in Prague:V4 Summit Speeds Up Finding of Common Solution to Migrant Problem
Prague, February 15 (BTA Special Correspondent Genka Ivanova) - Speaking here Monday after an Extraordinary Summit of Visegrad Four (V) Prime Ministers on the Migration Crisis, Bulgarian PM Boyko Borissov said the meeting fulfilled its goal to show the European Council that they want a decision to be taken on the migration problem this Thursday or Friday, because many months have been missed.
Borissov, together with Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov, was invited by Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka to take part in the Extraordinary Summit of V4 Prime Ministers. The Bulgarian head of Government was accompanied by Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov.
In Borissov's words, the Visegrad Four meeting was not directed at any other country. "All of us, by using the EU Cohesion Policy, made it so that our countries can look considerably better. Therefore, now we have to solve the common European problem together," he said.
Borissov went on to say that his country meets all criteria for a Schengen border, adding that the double standard applied on Bulgaria and Romania is not correct. "We spend huge amounts of money and we have not sought aid until now, we protect our border and have not allowed its violation on a scale that would create problems for the other countries. I hope that our neighbours and friends, who are an inseparable part of the EU, that Greece would understand that they should quickly pull themselves together and let us jointly solve this problem," the Bulgarian PM said.
Speaking to journalists in Prague about an hour before joining the Visegrad Four meeting, Borissov said that Bulgaria has always maintained that it is necessary to seal all external EU borders so that migrants can be channelled through the legal border crossings.
"We have a problem because Bulgaria is virtually a Schengen country, but our neighbours are failing to honour their commitment. Therefore, the Visegrad Four should be congratulated on putting the matter on the current agenda and insisting more strongly that Greece should take urgent measures," he noted.
Before the meeting, Foreign Minister Mitov told journalists that Bulgaria will insist that, if the NATO operation, which is expected to start soon at the Greek-Turkish maritime border, proves effective, the Alliance should also carry out a land operation at the Bulgarian-Turkish border and at the Greek-Turkish border, so as to guarantee that the migrant flow will not shift to the borders of Bulgaria.
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"Bulgaria treasures its traditionally friendly relations with the Czech Republic, as well as cooperation with the Visegrad Four," Borissov said, conferring in Prague on Monday with Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka. "We appreciate the aspiration of the Group to be a factor in addressing the problems of refugees and migration to the EU," the Bulgarian PM added. He stressed, quoted by the Government Information Service, that this issue concerns the EU as a whole and should find a Europewide solution, with joint efforts and in a spirit of understanding. Borissov noted the grave migration situation in the countries along the West Balkan route, adding that the taking of unilateral measures will not achieve sustainable results. According to the Prime Minister, migrant flows cannot be brought under control without the active contribution and involvement of all countries along the route, especially Greece. He pointed out that the idea of tightening controls at the Bulgarian-Greek and Macedonian-Greek border cannot possibly result in a solution of the problem for Europe but can only be expected to prompt a change in migration routes.