site.bta Tourism Minister Angelkova: Number of Russian Tourists in Bulgaria Down by 1-2% for Winter Season

Tourism Minister Angelkova: Number of Russian Tourists in Bulgaria Down by 1-2% for Winter Season

Brussels, December 9 (BTA Correspondent Nikolay Jeliazkov) - The
number of Russian tourists in Bulgaria for this winter season
is down by 1 to 2 per cent, according to the official
statistics, Tourism Minister Nikolina Angelkova told Bulgarian
journalists here Tuesday after a meeting with European
Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu. Angelkova is on a
one-day working visit to Brussels.

In Angelkova's words, the sanctions against Russia will
inevitably affect Bulgarian tourism. Taking a question, she
specified that for now the drop in the number of Russian
tourists is around 5,000 persons, while a 5 per cent increase is
observed in the number of other foreign tourists, mostly those
from Romania, Turkey and Serbia. Angelkova noted that
statistical data do not reflect adequately the forecasts needed
for planning purposes.

"We will fight to keep the Russian tourists, they are very
important to us, we will participate in the tourist exhibitions
in Moscow," Angelkova told journalists. "We have to distinguish
Russia and its citizens as our partners and people who love
Bulgaria, from the policy conducted in other sectors," she

Talking about her meeting with Commissioner Cretu, the Bulgarian
Tourism Minister said that one of the big expectations from her
ministry is the elaboration of a tourism strategy valid until
2020, so that the specific needs under the corresponding
financial instruments of the EU can be planned. Angelkova added
that the Tourism Ministry plans to be ready with this strategy
by the end of 2015.

Angelkova invited Commissioner Cretu to an event in Bulgaria in
mid-2015, where the country's tourism priorities will be
presented. She also proposed that Sofia host the first annual
meeting of the EU Member States' tourism ministers, Angelkova
told journalists.



By 06:43 on 28.02.2025 Today`s news

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