site.btaRegional Environment Inspectorate in Ruse Finds Oily Stains in Danube River

Experts from the Environment and Water Regional Inspectorate in Ruse carried out an emergency inspection in the area of the Tegra Industrial Zone, after a clip had been posted on social media showing a spill of oily stains on the Danube River, Reni Petrova, PR expert at the Ruse Inspectorate said on Tuesday.
She pointed out that during a patrol in the area of a discharge collector on Monday, an oily fraction with a yellowish-brown color and a characteristic odor was noted, adding that the contaminated area is about five square metres. A gap in the fence of the area was found, as a result of which the fraction was carried away by the current of the Danube. The experts also inspected the coastal area near the Ruse village of Sandrovo, near Aleko Island. Traces of the fraction reached the coastline of the town of Marten.
Petrova stated that Port Bulmarekt EAD has taken measures to clean up the contaminated area, as well as measures to identify the spill. The port operator has been instructed to provide information on the causes of the spill and the measures taken to limit it.
The investigation into the case is ongoing.