site.btaGERB Party: Breaking Institutions, Inciting Hatred among Bulgarians Began on Day GERB Put Bulgaria in Eurozone Waiting Room
In a Facebook post late on Tuesday, the GERB party wrote: "Breaking the institutions and inciting hatred among Bulgarians started the day GERB brought Bulgaria into the waiting room of the euro area and the European Banking Union in the summer of 2020. Now our country is about to enter the eurozone, despite the recent years of chaos and timelessness."
"Five years later, when GERB is once again taking all the necessary steps for Bulgaria to meet the strategic goal of being in the eurozone and has a regular government, new demonstrations are initiated in front of our leader's home, sabotaging the adoption of the 2025 budget, war breaks out between Bulgarian institutions, people's uprisings are staged, and fake news factories spew about coups and revolutions in the comments," the post reads. "We will not allow it! We will resist the provocations. We appeal to all thinking people - do not sabotage the development of the country! Stay above your partisan interests and be at the level of statesmen, not partisans," GERB added.