site.btaBulgarian Embassy Initiative in Washington to Honour Dimitar Peshev’s Role in Saving Bulgarian Jews

An information plaque commemorating Dimitar Peshev and his pivotal part in rescuing Bulgarian Jews will soon be installed in Washington, the Bulgarian Embassy in the United States of America posted on its Facebook page on Monday.
The plaque will be placed near Dimitar Peshev Square, which the Embassy described as “a symbolic location, reminding us of his courage and principled stance during one of the darkest periods in human history.”
The Embassy-led initiative was announced to mark the 82nd anniversary of the rescue of nearly 50,000 Bulgarian Jews.
“A story of courage, solidarity, and human kindness! On this day in 1943, politicians, prominent intellectuals, religious leaders, and thousands of ordinary citizens stood against the forces of hatred and united their voices to save their Jewish compatriots. Deportations from Bulgaria never occurred,” the Embassy said.
“On this day, we also commemorate the tragic events that led to the deaths of 11,343 Jews from parts of then-Yugoslavia and parts of Northern Greece in Nazi camps. We honour their memory and bow our heads to all Holocaust victims,” the Embassy added.