site.btaThe Weather on October 9
Partly cloudy overnight. Light to moderate wind. Lows - between 6C and 11C, in Sofia - about 8C.
Short rain expected in western Bulgaria. Fog expected in places along the northern coast in the morning. Moderate southwestly wind, temporarily becoming west-northwesterly after midday. Highs: between 23C and 28C, in Sofia around 22C.
The coast: Low clouds, partly foggy. Moderate wind, southeasterly, southwesterly in the evening. Highs - between 21C and 24C. Seawater temperature - between 21C and 22C. Sea waves - 2 degrees Douglas.
The mountains: Increasingly cloudy, rain expected. Strong wind, southwesterly-westerly. Highs - 17C at 1,200 m, around 11C at 2,000 m.