site.btaZlatishka Beech Forest, Krairechna Forest Become Protected Areas

Zlatishka Beech Forest, Krairechna Forest Become Protected Areas
Zlatishka Beech Forest, Krairechna Forest Become Protected Areas
Environment and Water Ministry Photo

Environment and Water Minister Petar Dimitrov issued orders to declare two new protected areas, his ministry said on Friday.

On the basis of Article 39 of the Protected Areas Act the following have been declared:

- Protected area "Zlatishka Beech Forest" near the town of Zlatitsa, Zlatitsa Municipality, Sofia Region, with an area of 729.298 decares;

- Protected area "Krairechna Forest" near the village of Rogozinovo, Harmanli Municipality, Haskovo Region, with an area of 464.063 decares.

The designation of the two protected areas is at the suggestion of the World Wildlife Fund WWF - Bulgaria and is a manifestation of the good cooperation between the Ministry and the NGO in the field of nature conservation. The orders to declare the protected areas are to be promulgated in the State Gazette.

The protected area "Zlatishka Beech Forest" was declared in order to protect a complex of neutrophilic beech forests, which form a natural habitat of beech forests of Asperulo-Fagetum type and are a habitat for valuable and protected bird species.

The average age of the beech forests in the protected areas is 120 years, compactly located on the southern slope of the Balkan Range with the predominant tree species of common beech (Fagus sylvatica). 

The main objective of the designation of the protected area “Krairechna Forest" is the conservation of complex of riparian forests of white poplar and field elm, and nesting habitats of rare and protected bird species.

The aim of the protection is also to create conditions for recreation and cognitive tourism for the local population and visitors to the region and to provide an opportunity for scientific research and ecological monitoring of the dynamics and condition of the riparian forests.

Activities that may lead to disturbance and destruction of species subject to conservation in the protected areas, as well as to damage or destruction of the riparian forest complex, such as: construction, except for sites of national importance, as well as maintenance, repair and reconstruction of existing sites and facilities; placement of movable objects, exploration and extraction of underground resources and extraction of aggregates, etc., are prohibited in the protected areas.




By 06:02 on 05.02.2025 Today`s news

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