site.btaObservances: February 12

On this date in Bulgarian history:
1875: First issue of semiweekly scientific-political magazine Den, edited by Prof. Stefan Bobchev (1853-1940), comes out in Constantinople.
1910: Coastal artillery formed in Varna (on the Black Sea).
1945: Council of Ministers adopts Statutory Ordinance on most recent Bulgarian spelling reform (gazetted February 27, 1945).
1947: Association of Bulgarian Composers and Music Historians is established (renamed Union of Bulgarian Composers in 1954).
1947: Diplomatic relations with UK are restored at legation level (upgraded to embassy level on December 3, 1963).
1990: First issue of Demokratsiya daily, established by Union of Democratic Forces, comes out (folds on June 29, 2002).
1991: National Service for Combating Organized Crime is established.
1999: Bulgaria signs Statute of International Criminal Court in The Hague.
2003: Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry assumes chairmanship of Central European Chambers of Commerce Initiative.