site.btaBulgaria Ranks Third among EU Member States with Highest Increase in Services Production in September, Y/Y - Eurostat

Bulgaria Ranks Third among EU Member States with Highest Increase in Services Production in September, Y/Y - Eurostat
Bulgaria Ranks Third among EU Member States with Highest Increase in Services Production in September, Y/Y - Eurostat
Souce: Eurostat

In September 2024, Bulgaria's services production increased by 7% year-on-year, according to the latest Eurostat data. This places this country third among EU Member States with available data for this indicator.

On an annual basis, services production increased by 1% in the EU and 1.2% in the euro area.

The highest annual increases were recorded in Luxembourg (9.6%) and Malta (7.8%). 

The largest decreases were observed in Denmark (-9.8%), Romania (-6.4%), and Austria (-5.3%).




By 12:41 on 05.02.2025 Today`s news

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