site.btaIf Bulgaria Is Left Without Government after Elections It Will Face Economic, Financial Problems - Institute for Right Policy

ESD 13:42:30 04-09-2014

If Bulgaria Is Left Without Government after Elections
It Will Face Economic, Financial Problems -
Institute for Right Policy

Sofia, September 4 (BTA) - The risk for the Bulgarian political
system to find itself incapable of compiling a cabinet after the
snap elections exists and, if this happens, the country will be
faced with grave economic and financial problems, the monthly
analysis of the Institute for Right Policy shows. The analysis
was made public at a BTA-hosted news conference Thursday.

According to the experts, the signs which the main political
forces are giving are turned entirely towards the election
campaign and have a very short temporal horizon for the period
after the elections. Such behavior will turn the compiling of a
regular government after October 5 into a difficult problem with
many unknowns, the experts think.

According to Toma Bikov, a coalition government is becoming less
and less probable with each coming day and the post-election
situation as a result of this - increasingly murky. If the
centre-right coalition between GERB and the Reformist Bloc
seemed quite possible a month ago, today it can be said that
this is not the most probable scenario for the post-election
government configuration, he said.

The socialists perceive as their main opponent their recent
coalition partner of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF)
rather than GERB, and GERB and the Reformist Bloc are acting
much more as opponents than as sister formations. As the two
blocs are fighting inside themselves then election coalitions
are unpredictable, Bikov noted.

The institute has observed two positive trends. One is directed
towards the restoration of the bipolar model of left and right.
The other positive trend, in their opinion, is a transformation
of the so-called Bulgarian ethnic model. Two formations - GERB
and the Reformist Bloc - have clearly declared intentions to
enter the territories of the MRF in the so-called regions of
mixed population. GERB publicly undertook the commitment that it
will integrate Bulgarian Muslims in governance if it forms a
cabinet. The same conclusion can also be made from the fact that
candidates with Muslim names have topped one-fifth of the
Reformist Bloc lists, the experts think. On the other hand, the
MRF lists also show that this party will continue its efforts of
previous years to attract ethnic Bulgarians to their ranks.

The normal situation would be for all Bulgarian parties to be
national and give all ethnic groups the opportunity to be
present in the governance of the country, the experts say.

Their principal recommendations to the parties during the
election campaign is to come out with clear political programmes
and name the persons who will carry them out, and each
formation should name a prime minister whom it would support in
the next government, be that an own figure or one of the
opponents. The institute calls for more messages aimed at the
voters, not towards the main political opponents, as well as
clear declarations about the future governance of the



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