site.btaPensioners Demand Humane, Significant Increase of Pensions

Pensioners Demand Humane, Significant Increase of Pensions

Sofia, June 9 (BTA) - The Bulgarian Association of Pensioners (BAP) insists on the elaboration of new methods of retirement through which the lowest pension would be higher than the established poverty threshold, and all other pensions would amount to 50 to 60 per cent of the salary prior to retirement, reads a BAP open letter received by BTA.

The open letter will be sent to the National Assembly Chair, the President, the Prime Minister, the Labour and Social Policy Minister, chairmen of parliamentary committees, the National Ombudsman, and the head of the National Social Security Institute.

The BAP continues to insist on the immediate outline of specific measures for bringing old pensions up-to-date. The organization notes that it is not normal for a person with higher education who retired during the transition period to democracy, to receive a pension lower than that of a cleaner who retired after 2010. The differences in pensions already exceed 35 per cent, the BAP specifies.

Pensions must cover the daily needs of each pensioner who has met the requirements for retirement, the BAP argues. Bulgarian pensioners live below all living standards and in constant privations in terms of food and medicine, the open letter reads.

According to the BAP, it is imperative to reconsider everything related to the pension system and it is desirable that the changes and decisions be made with the agreement of all parliamentary represented parties.

Pensioners also insist on the adoption of a bill on the elderly and the establishment of a National Home for the Elderly, where they can find any type of help, advice, assistance and opportunities for communication.

The BAP notes that there are various secure sources of revenue for an increase of old pensions in Bulgaria, such as the numerous tailings dams in the country that contain significant quantities of ores and minerals awaiting extraction.



By 01:03 on 02.09.2024 Today`s news

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