site.btaPatriotic Front Proposes National Round Table to Set Agenda for New Parliament and Government


Patriotic Front Proposes National Round Table
to Set Agenda for New Parliament
and Government

Sofia, October 8 (BTA) - The Patriotic Front (PF) proposes that
a national round table be held to set the agenda for the new
Parliament and government. The proposal is set out in an open
letter by PF co-chairmen Valeri Simeonov and Krassimir

They write that the results of the early elections put
politicians under the obligation to adopt a transparent and
pragmatic approach to the consultations on the formation of a
government, so as to make sure a stable programmatic government
- which they call "a government of national salvation" - is set
in place to stabilize the country.

Simeonov and Karakachanov propose that the roundtable be held in
two rounds: one on October 19 with the participation of the
leaders of the parliamentary forces, and a second one at a later
stage with the participation of the unions, employer
organizations, the academia, the news media and other

They further propose that each party should prepare a must-do
programme of 10 items for the next government, when it goes to
consultations with GERB next week. Also, they should prepare
their arguments "for" or "against" a programmatic government and
the participation of non-affiliated figures in the government
as a way to ease political tension.

The PF suggest that all parliamentary parties and coalitions
publish in the national media their positions on the above by
October 13. LY/LN/



By 07:20 on 27.02.2025 Today`s news

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