site.btaGERB Leader Borissov: "Finance Minister Vassilev Has Confirmed - Coal-fired Power Plants Stay in Operation Until 2038"

GERB Leader Borissov: "Finance Minister Vassilev Has Confirmed - Coal-fired Power Plants Stay in Operation Until 2038"
GERB Leader Borissov: "Finance Minister Vassilev Has Confirmed - Coal-fired Power Plants Stay in Operation Until 2038"
GERB leader Boyko Borissov on the sidelines of Parliament, Sept. 29, 2023 (BTA Photo)
GERB leader Boyko Borissov told journalists on Friday that Finance Minister Assen Vassilev had confirmed to him that the Bulgarian coal-fired power plants will stay in operation until 2038, and that it is possible for anyone who decides to quit their job to be paid 36 salaries.

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By 22:38 on 22.02.2025 Today`s news

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