site.bta84% of Bulgarians Believe Europe Must Stay United in Face of Threats - Eurobarometer

Europeans must stay united in the face of the world threats, according to 84% of Bulgarians and 89% EU-wide, as shown in a new Eurobarometer survey in January and early February. It was presented by the European Parliament on Tuesday.
The majority of respondents (73% in Bulgaria and 76% EU-wide) say that the EU needs increased funding to deal with the threats. 62% of Bulgarians and 66% EU-wide agree that the EU needs to have a bigger role in responding to crisis and security threats.
According to 37% of Bulgarians and 44% EU-wide, the EU role will increase in the coming years. 21% of Bulgarians and 18% of respondent EU-wide expect this role to diminish. Asked where the EU role should grow, 36% of respondents across the EU and 26% in Bulgaria say it is defence. The second choice (35% of respondents EU-wide and 32% in Bulgaria) is economy and third is energy independence (34% EU-wide and 27% in Bulgaria).
A third of respondents in the EU and a quarter in Bulgaria expect their living standards to worsen in the next five years. For over 70% in the EU and over 60% in Bulgaria belonging to the EU brings benefits and these are reflected in their daily life.