site.btaUPDATED Relations between Mobile Operators and Their Customers Are Catastrophic, Consumer Protection Commission Chair Says

Addressing a meeting titled "Resolving Consumer Issues in the Communications Sector – Protecting Rights, Transparency, and Balancing Business and Consumer Interests" at BTA’s National Press Club in Sofia on Tuesday, Consumer Protection Commission (CPC) Chair Maria Filipova said that the relations between mobile operators in Bulgaria and their customers are catastrophic. "We are holding this meeting because it is important for the CPC not to have to intervene in these relationships," Filipova said.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Alliance of the Technology Industry (ATI), representing telecommunications companies in Bulgaria, has announced that it will not participate in the meeting. "Effective dialogue with the CPC should begin with individual meetings between the regulator and the operators. This is the only way to make progress on specific issues related to each provider while ensuring a setting for discussing sensitive topics without the risk of speculation. Despite our repeated proposals, the CPC continues to opt for a format that will not yield real results and does not facilitate an in-depth expert discussion," the Alliance said in a statement.
The mobile operators emphasized their commitment to ensuring the best conditions for consumers through an open and expert-driven dialogue based on facts, professionalism, and joint efforts. However, they questioned the productivity of such a meeting, citing a lack of new information and expert analysis. "A public format with overly broad discussion topics does not create conditions for a deep and expert conversation. On the contrary, it poses a risk of misinterpretations and shifting the focus away from real solutions," the mobile operators argue.
Filipova voiced regret over the refusal of the ATI representatives to participate in the discussion. She stressed that the refusal to engage in the conversation demonstrates a lack of respect for every member of society. "You are aware of the systemic violations committed by mobile operators and the practice of the courts, which forces millions of consumers to take individual legal action against the companies because consumer protection laws in the field of mobile services are not being upheld," Filipova added.
"We do not wish to tarnish anyone's reputation. This is about the legally established rights of consumers. However, as an executive body, we are simply carrying out the will of the legislative authority," Filipova concluded, referring to the actions of the CPC over the past year.
Active Consumers Association Executive Director Bogomil Nikolov said that mobile operators' decisions are not driven by relationships with consumers, as a retailer would do. "I feel like their whole strategy is driven by what lawyers will say. These companies are operating in a typical oligopolistic market of three players who are very comfortable," he added. Nikolov believes that the competitive environment needs to be increased, pointing out that it is lacking between the current three telecommunications service providers. In Czechia, for example, there are 80 virtual mobile operators, he said. "Here entering this market is extremely difficult, not to say impossible," the Association CEO.