site.btaGovernment Adopts Decree Approving Tariff for Fees Collected under Several Laws

The Government adopted a Decree approving the tariff for fees collected under the Defence-Related Products and Dual-Use Items and Technologies Export Control Act, the tariff for fees collected under the Act on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and on Control of Toxic Chemicals and the Precursors thereof, and the tariff for fees collected by the Ministry of Economy and Industry under the Act on the Implementation of Regulation No. 2019/125 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Trade in Certain Goods Which Could Be Used for the Purpose of Capital Punishment, Torture or Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
The transitional and final provisions of the draft provide for amendments to the fees collected in the system of the Ministry of Interior under the State Fees Act, received from the budget of the Ministry of Economy and Industry.
The draft Decree of the Council of Ministers aims to bring the subordinate legislation in line with the requirements of the Act on the Introduction of the Euro in the Republic of Bulgaria and is in implementation of the National Plan for the Introduction of the Euro in the Republic of Bulgaria.
The aim is for the existing state fees in BGN to be converted into EUR, in order to achieve clarity for the users of the services upon the introduction of the euro as the official currency.