site.btaNumber of People Detained for Drug-related Crimes Increasing

The number of detainees for crimes related to the production, processing, possession and distribution of narcotics is increasing. In the period between January 1 and 31, 2025, there were 1,083 people detained, and in December 2024 this number was 739, indicates data from a report by the specialized interdepartmental unit of the prosecution service and the Interior Ministry on Supporting Investigations into Narcotics and Illegal Migration, the prosecuting magistracy said on Tuesday. Pre-trial proceedings for this type of crime in January 2025 were 986, and in December, 2024, they were 423.
The number of vape devices containing narcotics confiscated in January 2025 was over 130% more (1,914 pcs. in January 2025) compared to December 2024 (808 pcs.).
In January 2025, the specialized police operations in connection with investigations of crimes related to narcotics were 438. During one of the operations, a drug greenhouse with temperature control systems was established, and authorities confiscated 270 plants and five kg of marijuana, as well as equipment. During another operation in Sofia, an equipped greenhouse was discovered in a rented house in the capital, with about 400 cultivated hemp plants.
In the context of countering illegal migration, 284 specialized operations were conducted and 22 third-country nationals illegally residing in Bulgaria were detained. The newly initiated pre-trial proceedings for illegal trafficking in human beings and illegal migration were 55. There were 206 detainees for illegal transportation across the border and assisting foreign citizens to reside in or pass through the country.
In January 2025, 273 court acts entered into force for crimes related to narcotics and 98 for illegal transportation across the border and illegal assistance to foreign citizens to reside or transit in/through the country.
The specialized interdepartmental unit was established by a joint order between the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Interior in August 2023 with the aim of supporting the investigation of specific types of crimes. One of its main activities is monitoring the initiated and conducted pre-trial proceedings, the announcement stated.
More thwarted attempts to smuggle drugs, gold and goods, subject to intellectual property and of violations of customs, excise and currency legislation, were reported by the Customs Agency at the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint in 2024, the press service of the customs unit in Svilengrad said in January. Last year, 50 cases of trafficking of over 1,023 kg of narcotics were prevented. The total quantity was nearly 730 kg more than what was discovered and detained in 2023 and is the highest result in the last 20 years, according to the summarized information submitted by the customs press service.