site.btaMilitary Medical Academy Celebrates 133rd Anniversary

The Military Medical Academy marks its 133rd anniversary. At a ceremony on Monday, medical specialists of the Academy were awarded. Earlier in the day, wreaths were laid at the monument to the fallen with medical ranks, located in front of the Academy's building.
The Military Medical Academy is the successor of the Sofia General Garrison Hospital, established in 1891. Its holiday is regulated by the Rules of Organization of the Military Medical Academy.
The head of the Military Medical Academy, Major General Ventsislav Mutafchiyski, said at the ceremony that the Academy marks its anniversary as an established leader, despite the constantly changing environment in healthcare. In his words, for 133 years now, the Academy has been building its image, putting patients first, and that is not just a good slogan. "Taking into account factors such as expertise, innovation, advanced technology, individual approach and teamwork in treatment without compromising on quality have earned the trust of over 55,000 people who have passed through the Academy's inpatient unit this year alone. Nearly 218,000, by 8% more, were outpatient examinations. There has been a 9% increase in surgical interventions performed by our teams, and they number around 27,000," he said.
He also spoke about the challenges of attracting medics and boasted about the Academy's financial state. "Attracting and retaining bright people with a clear vision, high aspirations for development, with the shortage of medical staff, is not a very easy task, but it is key to providing the best patient care. However, the real challenge is combining this with financial stability, and our reports clearly show positive trends in this direction. Financial stability allows us to pay our medics a decent wage. An additional increase this year was also secured thanks to the efforts of the political leadership of the Ministry of Defence," Mutafchiyski noted.
He also said that over BGN 30 million had been invested in modern technology over the past year. "One of our major acquisitions is the purchase of the combined robotic surgery system. We have started the construction of a clinical training centre, for which the necessary computer simulation systems and simulators have already been procured for a total cost of about BGN 7 million. We have technologically renovated 30 clinics in all military hospitals [...] In 2024, we managed to renovate four clinics in Sofia and two laboratories. The planned renovation of the remaining peripheral bases is progressing simultaneously. The major renovation of the operating theatres in Varna and Sliven, which are modelled on the central Sofia hospital, has been completed," Mutafchiyski explained.
Caretaker Prime Minister Dimitar Glavchev said at the ceremony: 'We are all respected by your professionalism, by the high level of medical service you provide. Anyone who has had contact with your professionally high qualifications knows why you are one of the most elite hospitals."
Caretaker Defence Minister Atanas Zapryanov said: "We do not consider the Military Medical Academy only as a medical facility; we consider it as an inseparable part of our Armed Forces, as a capability of our Armed Forces to defend the Fatherland and provide combat operations. What recent wars have shown is that not having a reliable military medical service in the theatre of combat greatly affects the morale of the people fighting and results in a ten-fold increase in casualties." He also said that the Defence Ministry would financially support the acquisition of new equipment in the field of surgery. In his words, according to the feedback he has received, the Military Medical Academy is one of the most desirable medical facilities for admission for treatment.
The Chief of Defence, Admiral Emil Eftimov, said: "We live in a time when the challenges facing security systems, both national and collective, are unprecedented. We have been together in the fight against COVID-19, we have adapted our plans and preparations before and during the ongoing war in Ukraine. The crisis in the Middle East and the tensions in the Western Balkans require constant readiness with minimal reaction time. Our armed forces need timely and comprehensive military medical support, which we have invested in steadily in recent years. Your actions and efforts give us confidence in the performance of our duties."