site.btaWorks by Zoran Mise and His Students to Be Exhibited in GrafikArt Gallery

Graphic works by Zoran Mise and his students from the Ilia Petrov National School of Fine Arts will be exhibited from November 25 at the GrafikArt Gallery, the organizers announced Thursday.
The exhibition entitled "Pressure" will last until November 30. Apart from Mise, 14 of his students from the 12th grade majoring in Graphic Arts will display their works.
"All the graphic sheets have been executed with intaglio techniques during the last year as part of the learning process," organizers said. "Each piece is different, as is each 12th grader's individual outlook on life, and it shows in the richness of the graphic artwork. The pressure of the press, the materials, the social environment, the drive to do better, and the emotional 'pressure' among them, unite their ideas and characters in the exhibition," the organizers said.
In their words, the young graphic artists see pressure as an urge to develop, as support from a close friend, classmate or teacher. "Working with the press is the symbolism of pressure in printmaking. Each pressure on the plate is an expression of an emotion, a feeling, a life story. Every pressure with the press is a struggle to grow as an artist and a person. Every pressure on the individual only makes him or her grow. Fear of growth is what stops the personality and pulls them back. If a person does not put pressure on themselves, if a friend does not nudge a friend, then they will not continue to grow," the exhibition team added.