site.bta Tests Ruled Out Ebola in Bulgarian Patient Returning from Sierra Leone

Tests Ruled Out Ebola in Bulgarian Patient
Returning from
Sierra Leone

Sofia, November 21 (BTA) - Tests have ruled out Ebola as the
cause for the condition of a patient who was admitted to
hospital with flu-like symptoms in Sofia Thursday after
returning from Sierra Leone, said the director of the National
Centre for Infection and parasitic Diseases, Dr Todor
Kantardjiev, on Friday.
There is no reason to raise the Ebola alert level in Bulgaria
because the risk remains low for this country, Health Minister
Peter Moskov told the press.

The suspected Ebola patient returned from Sierra Leone three
weeks ago. On Thursday, the Health Ministry was informed by
Sofia's Tokuda Hospital that he had been assessed as needing
clinical observation and further tests. The man was taken into
isolation at the Military Medical Academy. Acting on the
protocol recommended by the European Centre for Disease
Prevention and Control, the health authorities and Sofia's
Regional Health Inspectorate took steps to identify and isolate
people who have been in contact with the patient.

Minister Moskov was adamant that the health authorities are
adequately prepared but  the Ebola awareness of the public needs
 to be raised.  

He said that an information campaign will be held and an Ebola
hot line will be opened within a week. A clear protocol will be
set in place for reaction in such cases and protective clothing
will be provided for the regional health inspectorates, the
infectious diseases wards and facilities for foreign nationals.

Bulgaria already has an ambulance which is equipped for patients
 with a serious infectious disease, the Minister said.  SN/LN/




By 20:52 on 27.02.2025 Today`s news

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