site.btaBulgaria and Hungary are Requested to Fully Transpose the EU Legislation on Energy Efficiency

Bulgaria and Hungary are Requested to
Fully Transpose the EU
Legislation on Energy Efficiency

Brussels, November 26 (BTA corr. Nikolau Jeliazkov) - The
European Commission Wednesday has formally requested Bulgaria
and Hungary
to ensure the full transposition of the Energy Efficiency
Directive (Directive 2012/27/EU). Under this Directive Member
States must achieve certain energy savings over the period from
1 January 2014 till 31 December 2020. They have to do this by
using energy efficiency obligations schemes or other targeted
policy measures to drive energy efficiency improvements in
households, industry and transport sectors. Other requirements
include energy audits for big companies every four years,
increased rights for consumers regarding metering and billing of
their energy consumption, renovation of at least 3 per cent of
government buildings annually and energy efficient public

The EC sent a reasoned opinion to Bulgaria and Hungary
asking them to notify the Commission about all their
measures for the Directive, which had to be transposed into
national law by 5 June 2014. If the Member States do not comply
with their legal obligation within two months, the Commission
may decide to refer them to the Court of Justice. In July 2014
the Commission started infringement procedures against 24 Member
States (all except Cyprus, Italy, Malta and Sweden) that had
not notified the Commission of all national measures transposing
the directive into national law. LY /ZH/




By 22:53 on 27.02.2025 Today`s news

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