site.btaTourism Ministry Targets Positioning Bulgaria among Top 5 European Tourist Destinations

Tourism Ministry Targets
Positioning Bulgaria among Top 5
European Tourist Destinations

Sofia, December 12 (BTA) - Bulgarian Tourism Minister Nikolina
Angelkova told a news conference here on Friday that her
Ministry will target positioning Bulgaria among the top 5
identifiable round-the-year tourist destinations on the European

Angelkova presented the priorities of her Ministry's work and
her first adviser: skiing legend Marc Girardelli, who will
advise her on winter tourism and will act as Bulgaria's
'ambassador' abroad.

The Ministry's Tourism Policy Chief Directorate and one
department of it will be in Plovdiv (South Central Bulgaria).

Girardelli said that he will do everything possible to
popularize Bulgaria, especially in connection with the
development of winter sports.

The Ministry's other priorities include drawing up a sustainable
national tourism strategy, focusing on regional brands, a
marketing and publicity strategy matching the national strategy,
and a tourism infrastructure in line with the preparation and
establishment of a Tourism Infrastructure and Tourist
Attractions National Fund. Settling the legal status and
management of the national resorts and promoting
special-interest tourism are also on the agenda.

Replying to a question, Angelkova said that the National Fund is
expected to go into operation at the beginning of 2016. The
idea is to use the Fund to finance sites which are not financed
from other sources, such as the resorts' public infrastructure,
small water and waste treatment plants, and public-order and
security protection facilities. The Fund will count for part of
its revenues on payments for all types of concessions.

The Ministry aspires to maximize the absorption of EU funds in
the new programming period and to work on a revision of existing
legislation. Efforts will also be made to protect consumer
interests and create a single information platform interfacing
the National Tourism Register with the register of
municipalities and hotels, so as to integrate the entire
essential information that is available.

Angelkova hopes that the risk of losing financing under
Operational Programme Regional Development for tourism projects
will be eliminated by the end of 2015. During the new
programming period, this sector can rely on some 1,000 million
euro under various programmes. "The money will be allocated on a
competitive basis and is not reserved 100 per cent for
Bulgaria, which is why we must have a plan to apply for it," she

The Minister said that it is planned to set up regional units
and tourism representations in target markets abroad. PK/LG




By 07:52 on 28.02.2025 Today`s news

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