site.btaRegional Minister Zaharieva Alerts Prosecutor General about Legal Non-conformity of Building Permits in Seaside Area


Regional Minister Zaharieva Alerts
Prosecutor General about Legal Non-conformity of Building
Permits in Seaside Area

Sofia, September 4 (BTA) - Regional Development and Investing
Planning Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva has alerted Prosecutor
General Sotir Tsatsarov about legal non-conformity of building
permits for 11 lots in the land-use area of the seaside Tsarevo
Municipality, and their revalidation, Zaharieva's Ministry said
in a press release Thursday.

A check by the National Construction Supervision Directorate has
established that the currently valid building permits in
question, which are 16 in number, and their revalidation, have
been made in material breach of the law. The established
infringements are of the existing legal regulations on spatial
development. The building permits were issued on the basis of
approved investment designs which at the time of issuing the
permits had lost their legal validity. The revalidation of the
permits was done in violation of the Spatial Development Act.

Furthermore, the building permits were issued without a
compliance assessment procedure in violation of the
Bio-diversity Act.

At the time of issuing the building permits and their
revalidation, the decisions vis-a-vis environmental impact
assessments and the need to conduct such assessments had also
lost their legal validity.

The check also established that none of the permitted
developments had been ensured a connection to the public grids
and facilities of the technical infrastructure.

In the alert Zaharieva demands that the building permits are
declared null and void. VI /ZH/



By 22:33 on 26.02.2025 Today`s news

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