site.bta Bulgarian President Addresses 4th Global Baku Forum

Bulgarian President Addresses 4th Global Baku Forum

Sofia, March 10 (BTA) - Addressing Thursday's opening session of the 4th Global Baku Forum in the capital of Azerbaijan, Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev said that serious contradictions between global and regional powers have undermined the principles of international law and the inviolability of national borders, the President's Press Secretariat reported. Plevneliev said the numerous crises around the world pose a real threat to peace and freedom and endanger global security like never before in the post-World-War-II period. "We are witnessing extremely complicated relationships and we see that international and regional institutions are failing to find sustainable solutions to conflicts," he said.

The 4th Global Baku Forum, entitled "Towards a Multipolar World," has been organized by the Nizami Ganjavi International Center and is dedicated to regional and global security.

Plevneliev said the UN Security Council is the legitimate body for dealing with conflicts, but it needs reforming in order to become more efficient. "I hope the world is not headed towards another Cold War, but sadly, we seem to be in a state of Cold Peace after the crisis in Ukraine. No one wants war, but the international community is again witnessing Cold War-style confrontation and methods, propaganda, cyber attacks and frozen conflicts," he stressed.

He further warned: "To try to address the conflicts by dividing the world into new spheres of influence and holding another 'Yalta Conference' would be a historical mistake." According to Plevneliev, regional and world leaders today follow different approaches and pursue different goals. It is necessary to give the green light to diplomacy, not confrontation. "The world powers can easily destabilize one country or another, but only the citizens can rebuild and reunite their societies, not the world powers," he argued.

The Bulgarian President went on to say that Europe cannot remain an island of stability in an ocean of instability. The European Union may be faced with more crises in 2016, which may be caused by Britain's possible exit from the bloc, a surge of nationalism and populism, and continued migratory pressure, he said.

"The EU owes its great significance and strong political legitimacy to its status as a community which settles differences through dialogue and cooperation, and this is so because the 28 nations share the same rights and values," he said.

Plevneliev welcomed the current migration response operations along the EU borders and in the Mediterranean Sea, describing them as "justified and timely" as they are helping people whose life is in danger. He noted that the Balkans, being part of the migration routes, make up Europe's first line of defence and they need stability and prosperity, tolerance and peaceful coexistence of religions and minorities.

"We Bulgarians want the borders in our region to be removed, not moved. We are implementing a balanced and principled foreign policy as we seek to cooperate and be friends with everyone, because everyone can and must contribute to peace and stability. It is only through solidarity, cooperation and diplomacy that common challenges can be addressed," the President said.

The Global Baku Forum has brought together state and government leaders from over 50 countries, including the presidents of Albania, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Macedonia, and Montenegro. The participants in the opening session heard messages from Prime Ministers David Cameron of Britain and Justin Trudeau of Canada.

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President Rosen Plevneliev met with his Azeri counterpart Ilham Aliyev to discuss bilateral relations in the sidelines of the Global Baku Forum, Plevneliev's Press Secretariat said. They concurred that the strategic partnership which was established between their countries with a declaration signed by the two presidents in Sofia in 2015 is already being filled with practical content. They noted that Bulgaria and Azerbaijan trust one another and have a political will to expand their cooperation in energy, high technology, pharmaceuticals and foods - areas in which Bulgaria holds strong positions.

Aliyev said Baku is working actively to sign a strategic partnership agreement with the EU and counts on Bulgaria's support to finalize the negotiations shortly.

He further said the construction of the Southern Gas Corridor continues on schedule, despite the difficulties caused by low natural gas prices. Plevneliev said Bulgaria is carrying on with the construction of natural gas interconnectors with its neighbours. In 2016, the country expects to complete its interconnector with Romania and start building one with Greece while working actively on similar projects with Serbia and Turkey. These interconnectors and the future Southern Gas Corridor will help Bulgaria overcome its dependence on only one gas supplier, genuinely diversify its gas sources and secure market price levels.



By 02:10 on 27.07.2024 Today`s news

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