site.btaMaritime Cluster Bulgaria Complains of "Huge Shortage" of Workers in Bulgaria's Blue Economy

There is a huge shortage of workers in the blue economy, Ilze Atanasova, chair of the Maritime Cluster Bulgaria Management Board, told BTA on Thursday during the Blue Careers Day in Varna.
Atanasova stressed that the lack of specialists is already felt not only in shipbuilding and ship repair, but also in scientific institutes, as well as the seafaring profession. She pointed out that the entire maritime community is making efforts to attract young people, but they still do not know the endless possibilities that the blue economy can offer.
"Young people are still slaves to the stereotypes that these professions are 'dirty' and involve work with heavy machinery," Atanasova said. She added that the maritime business is seeking to change these attitudes, so that young people learn that new technologies are entering more and more quickly in this field and there is a need for personnel with digital knowledge.
Atanasova noted that the blue economy is also a priority for the European Commission, but, regretfully, not for Bulgaria. She added that many of the companies in the area visit schools and universities to meet young people and tell them about the career opportunities offered in the maritime industries.
She also pointed out that a large part of businesses also offer internships and scholarships, even though she admitted that it would be better if these contacts started at an even earlier age, so that children and students get a better idea about the possibilities of the blue economy. This in turn would allow them to make informed choices, especially if parents are also familiar with the possibilities of the sector.
The Blue Careers Day in Varna are organized by the Maritime Cluster Bulgaria with the help of the Bulgarian Maritime Chamber, the Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, the Varna Technical University and the Economic University of Varna. Leading companies and scientific institutions participate in the event, with a series of activities for younger students planned as well, where they will have the opportunity to participate in creative workshops and learn about ship modeling, sailing, diving activities and many more.