site.btaSix Organizations to Cooperate in Drawing Up National Intellectual Property Map

A map of intellectual property in Bulgaria will be drawn up and updated annually under a memorandum of cooperation signed on February 24 by the country's Patent Office, the Ministry of Culture, the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) in Sofia, the National Statistical Institute, the National Association of Municipalities and the National Association of Chairpersons of Municipal Councils. The news was reported in a press release of the Patent Office.
The map will identify the leading innovative industries in Bulgaria, show local companies with a rich research and development portfolio, and indicate how this information relates to specialized education in major scientific disciplines with potential for the national economy.
Assoc. Prof. Nikolai Krushkov, who heads the UNWE Department of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, presented the first stage of the project, which analyzes and compares statistical data about intellectual property in municipalities.
Patent Office President Olya Dimitrova said this was the first time that industrial property and works subject to copyright protection were discussed in the same presentation.
The partners in the project will meet again in early March to hear an analysis of relevant data broken down into sectors and municipalities.