site.btaBTA’s BG World Team Receives Recognition on 10th Anniversary of BulgarinA Sunday School in Pescara, Italy

The team of the Bulgarian Media and Communities Worldwide directorate at the Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) was awarded a plaque on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Bulgarian Sunday School BulgarinA in Pescara, Italy. The award was presented to journalist Iva Vatashka on November 9 in Sofia during the official opening of the third seminar meeting of the leaders of folklore groups abroad, organized by the Association of Bulgarian Folklore Clubs Abroad (ABFCA).
The award is a token of appreciation from the educational centre in Pescara for the detailed coverage of the Sunday school activities by the team of "Bulgarian Media and Communities Worldwide", and in particular journalist Maria Gutseva.
The team of the directorate covers the activities of Bulgarians and Bulgarian communities around the world in the BTA’s "BG World" section, striving to publish daily news about the work of Bulgarian Sunday schools, societies, church communities, singing and dancing groups, cultural institutions, Bulgarian-language media and active compatriots abroad.
The Bulgarian Sunday School BulgarinA in Pescara functions under the Bulgarian-Italian association of Bulgarians in Abruzzo (Associazione Italo-Bulgara in Abruzzo) with Nadejda Slavova as its president. The school was founded in 2014. In accordance with the curriculum of the Ministry of Education, the school teaches Bulgarian language and literature, history, geography and economy. Adapted teaching aids are used for children living abroad. Alongside their studies, the pupils are involved in extracurricular activities - music, applied arts, educational games, and folk dancing.