site.btaHousehold Deposits Increase by 12.2% to Nearly BGN 91 billion by End of February

Household deposits in the Bulgarian banking system increased by 12.2% to BGn 90.717 billion by the end of February this year, according to data from the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) released on Tuesday. The amount is equivalent to 42.3% of Bulgaria's gross domestic product (GDP). The growth rate is accelerating compared to the annual growth recorded in January, when deposits of households and non-profit organizations serving households increased by 11.9% on an annual basis.
For comparison, the amount of deposits of households and non-profit organizations serving households at the end of January this year amounted to BGN 89.658 billion,, and at the end of February 2024 the amount was BGN 80.83 billion or nearly BGN 10 billion less than the current level.
Deposits of non-financial enterprises in Bulgaria amounted to BGN 47.021 billion (22% of GDP) at the end of February 2025. Compared to the same month in 2024, they increased by 9.2% (8.1% annual increase in January 2025).
Deposits of financial enterprises increased by 8.7% on an annual basis in February 2025 (10.6% annual decrease in January 2025) and at the end of the month reached BGN 4.177 billion (2% of GDP).
At the end of February 2025, non-government sector deposits were BGN 141.915 billion (66.4% of GDP), with their annual increase being 11.1% (9.9% annual increase in January 2025).