site.btaBulgarian Labour Inspectors Join May Week of Action in Road Transport
Bulgarian labour inspectors participated as observers in joint checks in Greece and Belgium during the May Week of Action in Road Transport, the General Labour Inspectorate said Friday. The initiative was held with support of the European Labour Authority and in partnership with the European Roads Policing Network.
The checks in Greece took place at checkpoints on roads in Athens and Thessaloniki. Traffic police officers led the joint action, which also involved Greek labour inspectors and representatives of the e-National Social Security Fund. The inspections focused on vehicles with digital tachograph and vehicles with Bulgarian licence plates and Greek drivers. Regarding labour legislation, the Greek labour inspectors checked driving and resting times, overtime and pay.
Two Bulgarian employers came under scrutiny. The infringements in one of the companies were related to the rules on posted workers. The other company had tampered with the tachograph, as had been the case in a previous check, and had breached the rules on securing of the cargo. The number plates of the truck and trailer were removed until the fines imposed were paid and the cargo secured.
The checks in Belgium were carried out in a lorry park in Antwerp. The Belgian Social Intelligence and Investigation Service was joined by inspectors from Romania, Poland and Lithuania. Compliance with social legislation was at the forefront of the checks, which took place under the supervision of a labour prosecutor.
The Belgian authorities said that out of 202 vehicles checked in that country, two thirds were found with infringements, including trucks owned by Bulgarian companies. In one case the Bulgarian company had not provided the driver with an adequate place for his weekly rest. Belgian officers found 135 breaches of the rule which obliges drivers to take their regular weekly rest outside the cabin. Apart from that, there were 70 breaches of the obligation to return the truck to the company's country of establishment at least every 8 weeks.
Enforcement officers imposed fines and sealed three trailers due to public health and safety hazards.