site.btaThe Weather on March 17

Rain showers with moderate to strong northwesterly wind. Highs: 11C to 16C, around 11C in Sofia.
Black Sea coast: Cloudy with rain showers, higher precipitation on the southern coast. Light to moderate easterly-northeasterly wind, strong northerly-northeasterly wind in the evening. Highs: 10C to 14C. Sea water temperature: 8C to 9C. Sea wave height: 1 to 2 degrees Douglas.
Mountains: Overcast. Snow over 1,500-1,700 metres. Rain showers and snow in the Eastern Rhodopes. Moderate to strong westerly-northwesterly wind. Highs: around 5C at 1,200 metres, around 0C at 2,000 metres.
Source: National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology