site.btaPrizes, Awards Presented at Ministry of Interior for Bulgaria’s Full Schengen Accession

More than eighty prizes and awards were presented during a ceremony at the Ministry of Interior here on Monday on the occasion of Bulgaria's accession to Schengen.
“This ceremony is not just an expression of recognition, but an expression of gratitude to all border police officers. This gratitude we should pay for their immediate dedication to the service,” said Prime Minister Rosen Zhelyazkov.
In his words, Bulgaria stands proudly, having proved not only its ability and capacity to protect the European borders, but having exceeded the expectations of our partners.
“Bulgaria started working on our full accession to Schengen immediately after our accession to the European Union. Back in 2011, we met the technical criteria and the fact that you have not bent since then shows our seriousness and your great commitment,” Interior Minister Daniel Mitov addressed the staff of the General Directorate Border Police (GDBP). He pointed out that one of the concrete measures to protect the borders is already a fact - the joint contingent of Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Austria.
By the Minister’s order, GDBP Director Chief Commissioner Anton Zlatanov received an honorary award of the Ministry of Interior for valour and merit, first degree, for substantial services to Bulgaria's full accession to the Schengen area.
“In the most difficult way of all countries in Europe, we became a full Schengen member. From what we have gained in terms of experience over these years, we have seen that no other country and border service has been checked so many times, in such a detailed way. However, this has made us stronger and smarter, so that today we can boast of this success,” Chief Commissioner Zlatanov said upon receiving his award.