Myara Sociology Agency

site.bta46.1% Believe State Can Do More to Prevent Selling Vapes with Drugs to Adolescents - Poll

46.1% Believe State Can Do More to Prevent Selling Vapes with Drugs to Adolescents - Poll
46.1% Believe State Can Do More to Prevent Selling Vapes with Drugs to Adolescents - Poll
Myara Sociology Agency Chart

Just over 46% of Bulgarians believe that the state can take measures against the selling of drugs and intoxicants in vaping devices, chewing gum, candy, etc. to children, and not everything depends solely on the market, according to a poll conducted by Myara Sociology Agency between February 6 and 16 among 803 adults, the agency reported on Friday. Nearly 37% of respondents believe that retailers always find ways, and selling to children cannot be stopped, and 13.6% said that they were not well informed about the issue. The remaining 3.9% selected 'None of the above.' 

Readiness for a supermarket boycott

Over 65% of respondents said that they are inclined to join a supermarket boycott if prices rose, while another 21.8% said they are not.

The proportion of respondents abstaining from a boycott is higher among the more vulnerable groups and pensioners, although supporters there also predominate. The likely reason is the pricing policy of some supermarkets linked to price reductions. Another probable reason is the lower possible awareness of these campaigns, according to Myara.




By 09:57 on 22.02.2025 Today`s news

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