site.btaBulgarian-Chinese Forum Held in Varna on 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties

A Bulgarian-Chinese forum dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the 20th anniversary of the twinning of Varna with the Chinese city of Ningbo was held in the seaside city on Tuesday.
Opening the forum, Varna Mayor Blagomir Kotsev recalled that Bulgaria is the second country to recognise the founding of the People's Republic of China. He noted that China's experience in innovation, engineering infrastructure, production, transport and culture can be useful for the fulfilment of the high goals that the management of Varna has set for itself.
Kotsev said that operational meetings will be held during the forum, in which it will be discussed how the experience and development of Ningbo can be applied to projects in Varna. Kotsev pointed out that the construction of an industrial zone in Varna will open an opportunity for many investors from China, and the development of port infrastructure and connectivity with the rest of the country and Western Europe is also related to China's One Belt, One Road initiative.
Prof. Zahari Zahariev, chair of the One Belt, One Road Bulgarian National Association, said that direct connections between municipalities are a driver of the successful development of relations between Bulgaria and China. "This is the first meeting of twin cities between Bulgaria and China and it is a prelude to bigger and lasting events in the future, which will turn these ties into one of the main drivers of Bulgarian-Chinese relations", he pointed out. He stressed that more mayors should have attended the forum, including Veliko Tarnovo Mayor Daniel Panov, Chair of the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria.
Zahariev also pointed out that Bulgaria has been a member of the One Belt, One Road initiative for nine years, which unites both diplomats and representatives of business, economic associations, creative unions, the Council of Rectors and leading universities. He noted the public support, as well as from political forces and the President's Administration, which motivates the association to seek new fields of rapprochement between the two countries through the relations between regions and municipalities.
Zahariev added that there are already established relations between Bulgarian and Chinese educational institutions, some of which are considering to open special faculties, and that working with the Confucius Institute is extremely beneficial as it promotes the Chinese language and cultural tradition and contributes to the connections between academic structures.
Panov sent the forum his greetings, in which he shared the general view that direct connections between municipalities are an underutilised resource and engine for the successful development of relations between Bulgaria and China in all areas. He expressed his wish for Veliko Tarnovo to host one of the next meetings in the line of twin cities and direct cooperation between municipalities.
The forum was also attended by a delegation from Ningbo, led by Deputy Mayor Xu Yanan, who described three directions for promoting future partnership between municipalities. One is increasing economic-commercial cooperation and investments, as there is potential for Chinese companies to import more Bulgarian products. The second direction according to Xu Yanan lies in port and shipping connectivity and communications as well as air transport, recalling that Ningbo is one of the world's largest container ports. The deputy mayor also sees opportunities in cultural and educational exchange.
An exhibition with photographs of 28 memorable moments reflecting the deep cooperation and friendship between Bulgaria and China was also arranged, showing footage from a visit of a Varna delegation to Ningbo in 2014, a concert by the symphony orchestras of the two cities in Varna in 2018, sports competitions, a guest appearance by a Chinese troupe at the Varna Summer International Theater Festival, as well as other meetings and exhibitions.
The forum was organized by the One Belt, One Road Bulgarian National Association , the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Bulgaria, the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, with the assistance of Varna Municipality.