site.btaUPDATED GERB's Borissov: "We Can't Get Anything to Work"

GERB's Borissov: "We Can't Get Anything to Work"
GERB's Borissov: "We Can't Get Anything to Work"
GERB leader Boyko Borissov in Parliament, June 27, 2024 (BTA Photo/Blagoi Kirilov)

„I have warned that Bulgaria will go down an election spiral, nothing would be stable and we would be sidetracked,” GERB leader Boyko Borissov said in the corridors of Parliament.

His comment comes as the new legislature, where GERB is the biggest party, is struggling to form a government.

He also said, “There is no [working] institution, no concerted policy. We can’t even form committees in Parliament. We can’t get one thing to work.”

Asked to comment the chances for forming a government, Borissov said that the other parties “are totally irresponsible”. “We are in a campaign rally at the moment,” said the GERB leader.

He said further, “Nobody wants to discuss the election system because it serves everybody’s interests to have many small parties. […] I was responsible for forming a working Cabinet when GERB had more than 80 MPs in Parliament. If our base now, in the next elections, make an effort and get more than 80 MPs in the legislature, I will take responsibility.”

Asked about his position for a government of experts on the third government-forming mandate, he said that “all this about the expert cabinet is rubbish”.

He said that it would be “most normal and most stable to have a Cabinet formed by the first, second and third political forces in Parliament, while the others have experts to represent them in the executive”. 




By 08:13 on 30.06.2024 Today`s news

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