site.btaMarch 15, 1970: Bulgaria Opens Pavilion at Expo '70 in Osaka

Bulgaria opened its pavilion at Expo '70 in Osaka, Japan, on March 15, 1970. Throughout the 183 days of the world fair, the pavilion drew more than nine million visitors.
A total of 77 countries, along with 10 territories, provinces, states, cities, and 4 international organizations, participated in the fair, which ran from March 15 to September 13, 1970.
Held on the island of Honshu, the exposition was mottoed "Progress and Harmony for Mankind" and attracted 50 million Japanese visitors and some 1 million foreign guests.
Bulgaria’s participation in Expo '70 contributed to strengthening this country’s relations with Japan, fostering trade and attracting Japanese investment to Bulgaria.