site.btaBulgaria Exported Toys Worth EUR 125.8 Mln in 2023, More than in 2022

Bulgaria Exported Toys Worth EUR 125.8 Mln in 2023, More than in 2022
Bulgaria Exported Toys Worth EUR 125.8 Mln in 2023, More than in 2022
Quinn Byrne, 5 left, shops with her mother, Jamie Byrne, at a Learning Express store in Lake Zurich, Ill., Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2023. While still in its early phase, a growing number of toy marketers are embracing MESH — or mental, emotional and social health — as a designation for toys that teach kids skills like how to adjust to new challenges, resolve conflict, advocate for themselves, or solve problems. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)

Bulgaria exported toys worth EUR 125.8 million in 2023, which was an increase from the EUR 117.11 million in 2022, Eurostat reported Thursday with the holiday shopping season in full swing. It imported toys worth EUR 37.5 million, down from EUR 42.5 million the year before.

In 2023, the EU was a net importer of toys from the rest of the world, with EUR 6.5 billion worth of toys imported from extra-EU countries (-EUR2.0 billion compared with 2022), while Extra-EU exports totaled EUR 2.3 billion (-EUR 0.2 billion). 

China was the biggest supplier of toys to the EU with 80% (worth EUR 5.2 billion) of toy imports, far ahead of Vietnam with 6% (EUR 367 million) and the United Kingdom (2%, EUR 150 million). 

Around a fifth of EU imports of toys went to Germany (18%), while France and the Netherlands accounted for 16% and 14%, respectively.

Data show that three EU countries accounted for more than half of extra-EU exports by value. The main extra-EU export destination was the United Kingdom (30%, EUR 694 million), followed by Switzerland (13%, EUR 301 million) and the US (10%, EUR 233 million). 





By 12:55 on 05.02.2025 Today`s news

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