site.btaBulgaria Ranked Second Among EU Members in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Decrease in Q2 of 2024

Bulgaria Ranked Second Among EU Members in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Decrease in Q2 of 2024
Bulgaria Ranked Second Among EU Members in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Decrease in Q2 of 2024
Photo: AP

Bulgaria ranks second in the EU for decrease in greenhouse gas emissions in the second quarter of 2024, according to the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat). In the second quarter of 2024, the EU economy greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide were estimated at 790 million tonnes, which is a 2.6% decrease compared to the same quarter of 2023 (812 million tonnes of carbon dioxide), Eurostat reported Friday.

In the second quarter of 2024, greenhouse gas emissions were estimated to have decreased in 19 EU countries when compared with the same quarter of 2023. 

The largest reductions in greenhouse gases were estimated for the Netherlands (-9.1%), Bulgaria (-6.3%), Austria and Hungary (each -5.9%).

Out of the 19 EU countries that were estimated to have decreased their emissions, 5 recorded a decline in their GDP (Ireland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Austria). The other 14 EU countries (Poland, Denmark, Croatia, Spain, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Portugal, Hungary, Belgium, Italy, Czechia, Netherlands, France and Germany) were estimated to have decreased emissions while growing their GDP.




By 09:35 on 05.02.2025 Today`s news

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