Inside the Balkans
Slovenia elections (AP Photo)
site.btaWinner in Slovenia Elections Starts Coalition Talks
![Winner in Slovenia Elections Starts Coalition Talks](/upload/219096/d3fc550feca0491e9257edb76fa0dc5e-e35d738839494ad892bfd13aa32f27a6-7375578853c342dd93efcd7260642cf1-6c91c.jpg?l=1000)
![Winner in Slovenia Elections Starts Coalition Talks](/upload/219096/d3fc550feca0491e9257edb76fa0dc5e-e35d738839494ad892bfd13aa32f27a6-7375578853c342dd93efcd7260642cf1-6c91c.jpg?l=1000&original=)
Robert Golob, the leader of the green Centre-Left Freedom Movement that won the elections for a new legislature in Slovenia on Sunday, said he wants to start coalition talks as soon as possible so that a government can start work by mid-May. The first in row for the talks are the Social Democratcs, report the news media in Slovenia.