site.btaEnvironmental and Social Impact Assessment: South Stream Offshore Pipeline Not Expected to Have Significant Impact on Bulgarian Environment

Amsterdam, July 29 (BTA) - South Stream Transport has completed the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the Bulgarian sector of the South Stream offshore pipeline and it confirms earlier findings that the construction and operation of the pipeline is not expected to have a significant impact on
the Black Sea environment or on the Bulgarian coast where the pipeline comes ashore, the company announced Tuesday.

South Stream Transport explains that the impact assessment consisting of two parallel processes: an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in accordance with national legislation and an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) in line with the environmental and social performance standards and
guidelines of international financing institutions.

The EIA Report according to Bulgarian legislation concluded that the environment will not be significantly affected by the project. It was approved by the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Waters in February 2014.

The ESIA report says that the project will bring some temporary local economic benefits as a result of additional employment opportunities and increased demand for goods and services during construction.

The ESIA Report outlines a number of mitigation and protection measures which ensure that the Project does not have a significant negative impact on the environment.

South Stream Transport invites all interested people to review the draft ESIA Report and actively share feedback on it via e-mail, post or the company's website feedback form. The draft ESIA Report is available online from 29 July 2014. Hard copies of the Report can be found at the branch office of South Stream Transport in Sofia, the South Stream Information Centre in Varna, the Priseltsi Mayorality Office, the Galata Cultural Centre as well as in Krushkite and Rakitnika.

South Stream Transport will consult NGOs and local organizations on the ESIA Report. In addition, people are invited to attend public consultation meetings in the Varna area. The meetings' schedule can be found on the website of the company.



By 19:02 on 26.02.2025 Today`s news

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