site.bta European Commission Asks Bulgaria to Boost Nature Protection Legislation

European Commission Asks Bulgaria to Boost Nature Protection Legislation

Brussels, October 16 (BTA) - The European Commission on Thursday
 asked Bulgaria to upgrade its contribution to Natura 2000,
Europe's network of protected natural areas.

Under the EU's Birds Directive, member states need to designate
the most suitable sites as special protection areas (SPAs) for
the conservation of bird species found on their territory.
Bulgaria originally designated a sufficient number of SPAs
(114), but six of the designated areas were well below the size
required under the Important Bird Areas (IBA) inventory used by
the Commission and the EU Court of Justice as a reference to
assess whether member states are complying with their obligation
 to designate SPAs.

The European Commission opened infringement proceedings in 2008,
 and although many of the SPAs now match the IBAs, problems
remain at Kaliakra (for which there is already a case pending
before the EU Court of Justice) and in the Rila area, where 17
species listed in the legislation currently lack adequate
protection. The Commission is therefore sending a reasoned
opinion. If Bulgaria fails to act within two months, the case
may be referred to the EU Court of Justice.



By 06:55 on 27.02.2025 Today`s news

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