site.btaBulgarian Red Cross Gets Ready for Fresh Influx of Refugees

Bulgarian Red Cross
Gets Ready for
Fresh Influx of Refugees

Kurdjali, Southern Bulgaria, October 24 (BTA) - Bulgarian Red
Cross (BRC) Chairman Hristo Grigorov said, speaking to reporters
here, that the BRC expects a fresh influx of refugees in
Bulgaria, but could not say how big it will be. "We are very
concerned and the preparations are serious," Grigorov said on
Thursday evening.

In his words, at the moment Bulgaria has coped and the situation
with the refugees is under control. BRC's concerns are
triggered by the fact that in the past two months alone, between
160,000 to 200,000 fleeing people entered neighbouring Turkey.
Grigorov said that if the situation in Turkey gets out of
control, a big portion of the refugees will opt to go to Europe
and pass via Bulgaria. "BRC's preparations are for readiness for
disaster," he said.

Grigorov and other officials of the BRC leadership were in
Kurdjali to attend a celebratory meeting marking the centennial
anniversary of the local Red Cross organization. PK /ZH/



By 10:09 on 27.02.2025 Today`s news

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