site.bta Processed Grapes Less than Half of 2013 Amount


Processed Grapes Less than Half of 2013 Amount

Plovdiv, South Central Bulgaria, November 30 (BTA) - In 2014,
109,000 tonnes of grapes were processed, over two times less
than in 2013, Agriculture Minister Dessislava Taneva said on
Friday at the opening of a Young Wine Festival in Plovdiv's Old

Bulgarian agricultural producers have had their worst year in
terms of the weather, said Taneva. She added that the state aid
offered in this country had been notified and special support
outside the aid for fully failed crops would not be unavailable.

Taneva recalled that the National Programme for Support to the
Vine and Wine Sector in Bulgaria has a budget of over 133
million euro. Huge interest has been shown in it and hopefully
the package of measures will give Bulgarian wines a competitive
edge in old and new markets, said Taneva.



By 00:30 on 28.02.2025 Today`s news

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