site.bta President Says Delaying Pension Reform Is Not Good News
President Says Delaying Pension Reform Is Not Good News
Sofia, December 16 (BTA) - President Rosen Plevneliev said on
Tuesday that delaying the pension reform is not good news and
there can only be one valid reason for it: the desire to achieve
consensus on the matter among employers, trade unions and the
other stakeholders. Plevneliev expects that decisive action
towards such consensus will be taken by March, as promised.
According to him, the Bulgarian pension system is getting less
and less stable with every passing year, so it needs reforming.
"Reforms mean stability. The surest way to instability in
Bulgaria is to give up the reforms," Plevneliev said.
Reforms are needed in 2015 not only in the pension system, but
also in the areas of justice, security, energy, education,
electronic government, and the public administration, he added.
The President described the reform in the justice system as "the
most important, sensible, and urgent one." He said he is glad
to see action being taken from the bottom up as judges and
prosecutors recognize the need for change. He hopes that in the
coming weeks the government, and then Parliament, will adopt the
justice system reform strategy drafted by the caretaker
government (August-November 2014).
"Reforming the energy sector is a must. This sector will blow up
the national economy unless it is reformed," Plevneliev warned.