site.bta Donald Tusk: Bulgaria Ready to Be Part of Schengen Area

Donald Tusk: Bulgaria Ready to Be Part of Schengen Area

Varna, on the Black Sea, October 9 (BTA) - After meeting with
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on Friday, European Council
President Donald Tusk said Bulgaria is ready to become part of
the Schengen area.

"Today Bulgaria is perhaps the best example, also for other
Member States, of how to protect its borders," Tusk said, adding
 that he understands how much resources this country is using in
 order to protect its borders, which he described as clear
evidence that Bulgaria is ready to be part of the Schengen Area.
 The European Council President also commented that Bulgaria
shows its commitment to European solidarity but can also count
on support from the EU if additional problems arise on its

Tusk expressed his personal support for Bulgaria's Schengen
accession, but recalled that such a step would require that all
EU Member States agree. "We work hard to make it happen. In the
meantime, Bulgaria needs to ensure that judicial reforms, fight
against corruption and organised crime continue at a robust
pace. Not just because the EU requests it but first and foremost
 because it will make Bulgaria stronger," he commented.

He also said: "We need to be realistic and refocus the debate
away from how to address the symptoms to how to address the root
 causes." According to him, there is now a shared understanding
between all EU heads of state or government that restoring the
control of the EU's external borders is a primary task.
Regaining control of the external borders is a sine qua non
condition for an effective, humanitarian and safe migratory
policy, he explained. Tusk said that the European Council will
meet again next week to review what has been achieved and agree
on the next steps, which include increased cooperation with
Turkey. In this context, Tusk described as a positive step that
Bernardino Leon has proposed a national government of unity in
Libya. "I strongly encourage all parties not to waste this
opportunity. Libya has too few opportunities for lasting peace,"
 he noted.

Tusk and Borissov also discussed Europe's energy problems.
According to Tusk, energy security remains a priority for the
EU. "The key infrastructure projects, which the EU agreed with
Bulgaria and other countries of the region should be swiftly
implemented to create a resilient network, which will shield us
from external risks," he said, adding that the efforts to
diversify energy supplies and decrease the dependence on a
single supplier should continue. This will require the robust
enforcement of energy legislation and making sure that all
agreements are compliant with the EU energy security provisions,
 Tusk explained.

Prime Minister Borissov said that Bulgaria has made much
progress towards its Shengen accession. Bulgaria has proven
itself to be a much better border than half of the countries in
Europe. He added that this topic has even become insulting to
him, given the fact that this country has proven in practice how
 it is coping. "When they want to, they can include us. I expect
 them to realize for themselves how unfair they are towards the
Bulgarians," he said.

When it comes to energy security, Bulgaria counts on the
European Commission's support for financing the gas
interconnectors, he said, adding that this country will also
insist that there is a universal approach to all countries when
North Stream and South Stream are reviewed. Bulgaria supports
the common energy security in Europe and the observance of the
European Commission's rules.

Borissov also explained that no new refugee centres are planned
in Bulgaria, because there is currently no need for such a step.
 He noted that Bulgaria supports the idea to establish a free
security zone on Syria's territory, as it would be good for
people to be close to their places of birth. This country is
spending a lot of money to protect its borders, the Prime
Minister said, thanking the police, the Army and the gendarmerie
 for ensuring Schengen's security, while working in very
difficult conditions out on the field.



By 04:21 on 07.03.2025 Today`s news

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