site.btaBulgarian PM Borissov Confers with German Chancellor Merkel

Bulgarian PM Borissov
Confers with German
Chancellor Merkel

Berlin, June 7 (BTA) - Bilateral cooperation, Bulgaria's aspirations to join the euro zone and the Schengen area, security and the EU perspective of the Western Balkans topped the agenda of a meeting that Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held here on Wednesday. Borissov arrived in Berlin on Tuesday on the second leg of a European tour that also took him to Paris Tuesday for a session with President Emmanuel Macron.

It is Borissov's first foreign trip since he took office as Bulgarian Prime Minister for a third time in early May.

Chancellor Merkel expressed support for Bulgaria and its reforms.

At a joint news conference after the meeting, she said that her country will grant Bulgaria's request for assistance in handling the Presidency of the EU Council that will rotate to it in January 2018. She noted that the EU faces numerous challenges, including the Brexit negotiations and moving the EU forward in a difficult geostrategic situation.

The German leader expressed support for Bulgaria's ambitions to enter the euro zone waiting room and the Schengen area, and said that there are conditions to be met.

"If Bulgaria meets the conditions for accession to the Schengen area - and these concern the rule of law and combating corruption - then it is ready to join in," she said. In her words, Bulgaria is confronted with major challenges concerning the rule of law.

Merkel pointed out that Berlin is aware of Sofia's ambitions for the euro zone, and the euro zone finance ministers are considering the matter.

She thanked Bulgaria for its commitment to protecting the border with Turkey. "Bulgaria has improved the security of this border even though it is not a Schengen member. It has made significant efforts, and we discussed what measures Bulgaria needs to take, especially in order to suppress the trafficking in people and migrants," the German head of government said.

She added that the two countries work closely together on the policy on migrants and refugees, and that this is a common challenge for the EU.

Merkel said that Bulgaria is aware that the smuggling of refugees has offshoots in its territory and that she highly appreciated Sofia's efforts to crack down on human smuggling.

"We have helped with German resources and equipment, and, everywhere we can, we will continue bilateral cooperation," said Merkel.

Boyko Borissov said that his country will have the most secure border once the thermal cameras and security cameras are installed, and the vehicles and other equipment for which funding is available are delivered. He said that the 160 million leva which were allocated to Bulgaria in Bratislava have not yet been depleted.

The Bulgarian Prime Minister said that he had shared with his host his views about common European defence. His idea is "to rally around security: not only in fighting terrorism and on the home security front but also the global threats". He dreams to see the EU joining NATO as a collective member.

Merkel said that the EU wants to make it clear that it is determined to keep up the support for the Western Balkans.

She stressed that it is important for her country to see economic prosperity for all. "Bulgarians still have low per-capita income, but people in Bulgaria should feel that their life is improving, step by step, and this was a key issue in my discussion with Prime Minister Borissov," she pointed out. Berlin is trying to encourage German companies to invest in Bulgaria because this is an investment in the future and is good also for the common European market, she added.

Borissov thanked Merkel for her hospitality and said that he regards the warm reception by Germany and herself as a token of the attitude to the Bulgarian people, for the efforts they make, for the protection of the external border and for being a reliable EU member. LN



By 04:50 on 07.03.2025 Today`s news

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