site.btaMortgage Loans Increase 29% to Nearly BGN 26.5 Bln at End of February 2025 - Central Bank
Mortgage loans to households granted by commercial banks in Bulgaria increased by 29% on an annual basis to BGN 26.473 billion at the end of February this year, according to data from the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB), released Tuesday. The growth rate is slowing down slightly, after an annual growth of 29.3% reported in January.
In comparison, residential real estate loans at the end of January 2025 amounted to BGN 26.044 billion. By the end of February 2024, the amount reached was BGN 20.520 billion, or about BGN 6 billion less than the current one.
Consumer loans increased by 11.7% on an annual basis to BGN 19.216 billion at the end of February 2025, after an 11.9% annual increase in January 2025.
The total loans to households and non-profit institutions serving households in Bulgaria amounted to BGN 47.550 billion at the end of February, up 20.7% on an annual basis (20.8% in January 2025). Bank loans to households account for 22.2% of the country's gross domestic product.
Loans to the non-financial corporate sector increased by 11.1% on an annual basis in February 2025 (11.5% in January 2025) and reached BGN 49.775 billion (23.3% of the GDP) at the end of the month.
At the end of February 2025 loans to non-governmental organizations amounted to BGN 105.732 billion (49.5% of the GDP), up from BGN 104.607 billion in January 2025 (or 48.9% of the GDP). In February 2025, they were up on an annual basis by 15.3 % (15.4% annual increase in January 2025).