site.btaBulgaria's Trade Balance for January Shows EUR 865.1 Mln Deficit

Bulgaria's trade balance for January showed a deficit of EUR 865.1 million (0.8% of GDP), up from EUR 449.7 million (0.4% of GDP) for the same period in 2024, the Bulgarian National Bank said on Friday.
Exports of goods were EUR 187 billion (2.9% of GDP) for January. They increased by EUR 1.7 million (0.1%) on an annual basis (EUR 3.1853 billion, 3.1% of GDP).
Imports of goods were EUR 4.052 billion (3.7% of GDP), increasing by EUR 417.1 million (11.5%) compared to January 2024 (EUR 3.635 billion, 3.5% of GDP).
The services balance for January was positive at EUR 450.7 million (0.4% of GDP) compared to a positive balance of EUR 495.9 million (0.5% of GDP) for January 2024.
For January, the country's current and capital accounts were negative and amounted to EUR 222.5 million (0.2% of estimated GDP) compared to a negative balance of EUR 191.5 million (0.2% of GDP) for the same month of 2024.
The capital account was positive and amounted to EUR 244.6 million (0.2% of GDP) compared to a deficit of EUR 10.5 million (0.01% of GDP) for January last year.
The financial account was negative by EUR 34.3 million (0.03% of GDP) compared to a negative value of EUR 504.3 million (0.5% of GDP) for January 2024.