site.btaUPDATED Remote Job Offers Down by Half in Past Two Years

Remote Job Offers Down by Half in Past Two Years
Remote Job Offers Down by Half in Past Two Years
BTA Photo/Tsvetomir Petrov

Remote job offers in November were 8% down from October. Their total number was just over 38,000, or 3,000 fewer than a month earlier, according to data by the JobTiger recruiter received at BTA. The number is 3% up from November 2023. 

According to JobTiger's observations, the number of work-from-home or telecommuting job offers has halved in the past two years: from nearly 6,500 at the beginning of 2022. Recruiters say one of the main reasons for this decline is reduced demand for workers in the IT sector.

 In 2024, more employers are encouraging workers to return to the office and restrict the possibility of telecommuting, especially for some of the new hires. 

The picture by sectors

Almost all sectors saw a decline in job advertisements in November. The only exception is the IT sector, where for the second consecutive month JobTiger is seeing a slight increase in job offers: by 2 per cent, or some 50 job offers more than in October, taking the total for November to just over 3,100. 

As in October, the sector with the biggest drop in job offers was Trade and Sales (1,180 fewer job offers, down 11%), followed by Manufacturing (600 fewer job offers, down 9%), Logistics and Transportation (570 fewer job offers, down 12%) and Hotels and Restaurants (480 fewer job offers, down 9%).

There were also fewer job advertisements in the Construction (down by 310 and 12%), Administrative and Support Activities (down by 300 and 6%), Marketing and Advertising (down by 200 and 16%), Health Care and Pharmacy (down by 130 and 6%) and Accounting, Audit, Finance (down by 120 or 6%). 

Despite the observed decline, the top three hirers among the sectors remained unchanged: Trade and Sales (25%), Manufacturing (15%) and Hotels and Restaurants (13%). Next come Administrative and Support Activities (12%), Logistics and Transport (11%), IT (8%), Construction (6%), Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals (6%), Accounting, Auditing, Finance (5%), Marketing and Advertising (3%) and Arts (1%).

The picture by cities

Each of the top regional capitals saw a decline in the job listings in November. In Sofia it was 8%, in Plovdiv 7%, Varna, Burgas and Ruse 11% and Stara Zagora 7%. 44% of all job advertisements were in Sofia, 10% in Plovdiv, 4% in Burgas, 3% in Ruse and Stara Zagora.




By 16:13 on 05.02.2025 Today`s news

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